Helping women (and other humans) to understand money and real estate investing while staying happy and healthy.
"So many people think that podcasting is a great way to make a massive passive income stream. If that's your motivation, don't bother."
Today Christine Mccarron, the creator of Get Your FILL, Financial Independence and Long Life and Women Creating Wealth shares her story of mental health podcast.
► Tell us about you and your podcast
I grew up in a lower-middle-class family with the romantic notion of poverty (and disdain for the "rich") that holds so many of us in limbo. Through serendipity - or Law of Attraction - I met some powerful and successful women who became mentors. I read, I listened, I learned and now it's time to share. Because I was 50 when I started this journey, I'm too old for FIRE, so I'm going with FILL - Financial Independence & Long Life.
Each week my guests and I share our journeys and our successes in pursuit of financial independence & a long, healthy life.
The podcast's listeners are in over 50 countries, and every US state. About 60% women in the 30-50 range.
► Why & how did you start this podcast?
Starting the podcast was partly selfish and partly giving. I wanted to share what I had learned while learning from my wonderful guests, who likely wouldn't have met without the podcast.
I started Get Your FILL in 2019 with the goal of empowering others to try something - anything - to get them closer to financial success or at least financial ease. It's hard to live up to your full potential if you don't have any breathing room financially.
It took about 3 months for me to release my first episode because I wanted to have at least 6 episodes in the queue so that I wouldn't miss a week. In the beginning, it was hard to find quality guests. Now, I'm fortunate to have guests scheduled for the next 9 months!
► How'd you find the time and funding to do this podcast?
I release an episode every week for Get Your FILL and almost every week for Women Creating Wealth. Once I've recorded it, I send it off to the editor because I'm hopeless at audio editing!
Although I'm a real estate broker, real estate investor, coach and am developing a coworking community space, I make time to do the podcast recordings every week because it feeds my soul and I know that others are benefitting.
I fund the podcast myself at the moment but if you'd like to be a sponsor, you are welcome!
► What do you gain from podcasting?
I don't yet have sponsors. I'm open to the idea but it would have to be a complimentary business that I feel would truly benefit my listeners.
I can't count the number of times that I've sent podcast episodes to clients and friends because we've got into a conversation about something that I know was covered extremely well by a podcast guest. I love being able to learn, teach, and create lasting friendships with some of the incredible people who I've had the pleasure of meeting through the podcast.
► How does your podcasting process look like?
I'm fortunate that guests found me. If you're looking for guests, I recommend Podmatch. They do a great job of matching guests and hosts. I used them a lot when I was getting started. Now, I get several requests each day from people who want to be guests on the show. Some guests also introduce me to other great people who become guests.
The process is very informal. I don't interview people in advance. If I like their resume and feel they have something valuable to share, we have a quick zoom conversation and then launch into the recording.
Aside from enabling a separate audio recording on zoom, I don't use any special software. I've tried some in the past but I found guests were having issues. Zoom is easy and the quality is quite good.
► How do you market your show?
Over 50% of listeners still come from iTunes. Some find us through a guest who has shared a link to their own episode. They listen to that episode and then stay for more!
We only use social media for promotion. That's because I'm lazy about doing things like creating email lists. I suggest you do better with your podcast!
► What advice would you share with aspiring (new) podcasters?
So many people think that podcasting is a great way to make a massive passive income stream. If that's your motivation, don't bother. Starting a podcast is work and finding your followers takes time. If you don't love the process, you won't stick with it long enough to be successful.
Find podcasts that you like to listen to. Make note of things that you like about that podcast. What grabs your attention? What keeps you coming back? How did you find it? Apply that knowledge to your own podcast.
► Where can we learn more about you & your podcasts? is my main website. From there you can explore my real estate hat, author/coach hat, and learn more about Beehive Coworking Community, my newest venture. If you're a "woman of a certain age," who would like to recapture the passion and energy that you had as a young person, I'd love to chat with you. Discovering your hidden joy and inner spark is one of the highlights of my life.