Interview entrepreneurs about their journey & what it's really been like.
"If you create momentum & keep going, you can keep adjusting & improving along the way."
Today Dave Gulas, the creator of Beyond Fulfillment Podcast shares his story of entrepreneurship podcast.
► Tell us about you and your podcast
I've had a 20 year sales/executive career within the medical & pharmaceutical industry. I'm president & co-founder of a logistics startup that's nearly 2 years old. Our podcast interviews entrepreneurs from a variety of industries about their journey, challenges they faced, pivots they had to make & what they've learned along the way. We aim to provide valuable wisdom & insights that others can use as strategy and/or inspiration on their own business journey. Our audience is entrepreneurs, start-up founders, small business owners, etc.
► Why & how did you start this podcast?
On my founder's journey, it was very challenging early on & I found the biggest source of learning was conversations with other founders via networking calls, meeting at trade shows, etc. One day I had the idea that if I could put these conversations on a public forum, the audience could benefit as well as the guest & myself. I do listen to podcasts & I thought I could do the same thing. Our first episode was published on October 5th, 2023 which is less than 30 days after I had the initial idea.
► How'd you find the time and funding to do this podcast?
We initially released one episode per week, we now release 2 per week. We've released 50 episodes in 9 months. I find & book the guests, do an intro call if needed, research, & conduct the interview. Then I send it to my marketing team & they do the edits and handle the publishing, etc. I schedule the calls within my normal business day just as I would schedule other sales or networking calls. Although it takes time, it's a lot of fun so it's easy to stay consistent. Our marketing team helps with all aspects of our company's marketing which includes the podcast. Hosting & software costs have been minimal, $100 a month or so.
► What do you gain from podcasting?
Ever since the podcast premiered, our company's conversion rate has gone up significantly & we've gained direct business via the podcast. We promote our 3PL & freight agency on the show. We don't have any outside sponsors yet. Podcasting has been a powerful networking tool to connect with other like-minded people & to get to know them on a deeper level. Lightning-fast, Cost-effective Podcast Transcription and Summarization - Crafted with Passion by Listen Notes.
► How does your podcasting process look like?
I find the guests mainly on LinkedIn & I send a dm about the show & why I think they'd be a good fit. Once we schedule, I'll research their background & prepare questions. I record the interviews over zoom, from my office. I have a Yeti mic I plug into my laptop & a couple ring lights. We just started using & cast magic, both excellent tools.
► How do you market your show?
For the first 6 months, we were only on YouTube, then Spotify, Apple & now everywhere else. LinkedIn has been the best marketing vehicle for us. We do email marketing as well.
► What advice would you share with aspiring (new) podcasters?
There's power in taking action & creating momentum when you don't have everything figured out. Just start & make progress however small or imperfect every day. If you create momentum & keep going, you can keep adjusting & improving along the way. Podcasting can open so many new opportunities for you, if you have the urge to do it, just start.
► Where can we learn more about you & your podcasts?
Podcast website:
My website:
Podcast YouTube:
Podcast Spotify
Apple Podcast Link:
Podcast TikTok:
My LinkedIn:
My Twitter:
Company Website:
Transportation link: Lightning-fast, Cost-effective Podcast Transcription and Summarization - Crafted with Passion by Listen Notes.
Lightning-fast: Transcribe a 1-hour audio file in 1 minute.
Pay-as-you-go: USD $0.06 per minute + $1 per file. No subscription required.